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Anne V. Bentley

Executive producer, Anne Bentley, developed a deep interest in science, health and sustainability early in her life and has held various commercial roles in the Life Science industry and related fields of clinical lab analytics, pharmacy and digital health technology. As an entrepreneur she is passionately evolving her life’s work to  new approaches that may advance the knowledge of one’s health, the health of our environment and the  collective  health and well-being of being human  through new communication platforms. After years of commercial leadership  experience and entrepreneurship  she has discovered  the intrinsic value and excitement  of partnering with like-minded people. 

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Daniel Albrant

Co-Host Daniel Albrant was interested in biomedicine from his childhood growing up in Rochester, Minnesota, in the shadow of the Mayo Clinic.  He pursued becoming a physician for a couple years at the University of Minnesota before “coming home” to Pharmacy.  He practiced clinically as an ICU/Transplant pharmacist and hospital pharmacy consultant for 28 years. During the last 15 years of his clinical practice, he became intentional about his spiritual growth and that ultimately led him to Wesley Theological Seminary for an MDiv and to become a Licensed Local Pastor in The United Methodist Church.  He currently pastors two churches in central Virginia.


J. Russell Teagarden

Co-Host J. Russell Teagarden came to his interest in applying insights from the Humanities to Biomedicine after decades in clinical pharmacy practice and research. He realized that biosciences explained how diseases and treatments work, but not how they affect people in their everyday lives. Through doctoral level academic studies and independent research in the Medical Humanities, he discovered rich and abundant sources of knowledge and perspectives on how specific health problems and clinical scenarios can be better understood than from the biosciences only. He shares these discoveries through his blog, According to the Arts, and the podcast, The Clinic & The Person.